The Forest
Official trailer
Series Summary
"The Forest" is a French crime thriller television series that premiered on Netflix in 2018. The show is set in the deep forests of the Ardennes, where a teenage girl named Jennifer disappears during a party. The series follows the investigation led by the local police chief, Tomar Khan, who also happens to have a personal connection to the case.
As Tomar delves deeper into the investigation, he uncovers a web of secrets and lies in the close-knit community. He must navigate through the town's dark history and confront his own demons to solve the case.
The series stars Samuel Labarthe as Tomar Khan, Suzanne Clément as the town's prosecutor, and Alexia Barlier as the victim's mother. The show's eerie atmosphere, compelling characters, and twisty plot have received critical acclaim, making it one of the most popular French shows on Netflix.
The first season of "The Forest" consists of six episodes, with each episode running for approximately 45 minutes. The show was created by Delinda Jacobs and directed by Julius Berg.